InterSpazi 2.0

An international network supporting young performing arts curators and emerging artists who will face climate change


InterSpazi is a new network, created/grown after pandemic, that supports artistic, organizational and curatorial young professionals in the field of performing arts. 
An internationalization process to access 
new visions and approaches. 
A project designed to stimulate, create and cement connections and interactions within a Europe deeply changed by the pandemic and ecological problems.
"A greater care and attention to artistic works connected with a more attentive view on our environment is one of the most innovative, necessary and driving aspects of programming and supporting artistic creation for the next few years.

InterSpazi is the instrument we chosed to build and support the growth of new young curators, and expecially to confront and discuss with them about sustainibility of artistic
programmation, support, touring and residence with a different perspective, considering climate change as something that is happening right now and that will influence our society,our professional and our personal lives.." 

Fabrizio Gavosto

Italian Partners

Festival Mirabilia

Organized by Ass. Cult. IdeAgorà

Born in 2008, IdeAgorà take care of the creation and artistic direction of Mirabilia Festival. The cultural association promotes, supports and implements the diffusion of circus arts, theater, performing, visual and figurative art and music. It supports the training of professionals, supports the work of the artists, promoting cooperation and international networking.
direzioniAltre Festival 

Organized by Cie Twain

A wandering festival in Lazio, with its main location in the village of Tuscania, organized by Twain Centro di Produzione Danza with the artistic direction of Loredana Parrella. Born in 2013, it programs dance, theatre, music and new circus performances relating research, young authorship and new forms of public engagement.

mamatita festival

Organized by SpazioT

In 2013 premiered the “zero” edition of Mamatita Festival - the city becomes a stage, created and directed by Chiara Murru. After a-few-years stop in 2017 the Mamatita Festival returned bringing to Sardinia for the first time many national and international contemporary circus artists. Currently the Mamatita Festival is the first contemporary
circus festival recognised by the Ministry of Culture in Sardinia.
fnas - federazione nazionale arti in strada

Born over twenty years ago, is an association of artists and festival programmers who operate in outdoor performing arts.  The rapid evolution of the scenarios has made a grip essential awareness on the fundamental role played by the FNAS as a facilitator and promoter of processes of emerging creativity and the circulation and support of artists and of the entire arts chain in the public space.

International Partners... (and more to come!)

fitcarrer vila-real
A unique exhibition that turns Vila-real every year into the capital of street arts in the Valencian Community. The festival brings together national and international artists and lovers of the world of street theater, with morning shows aimed at families and children, and evening shows for a larger audience.
spoffin street arts festival amersfoort
An international festival for street arts and site-specific theatre in the historical city centre of Amersfoort (NL). Its mission is to bring the performing arts to the audience: in the streets and squares, parks and other places of the public space. Spoffin offers high quality and low threshold at the same time, for a curious and open-minded audience.
Deventer Op Stelten

More than 130 national and international top performances of outdoor theatre in the historic city center of Deventer and around the center. From high-quality outdoor theatre to open-air performances high above the audience, from theatre on stilts to high-level spectacles, from humorous acts to intimate theatre confrontations. 'Deventer Op Stelten' is held annually in July and is experienced by more than 100,000 visitors as a special, accessible, festive and high-quality cultural festival with free admission.

passage festival
Since 2004, PASSAGE Festival has been a living, international street theatre festival in constant evolution, relating to our surroundings presenting both Danish and international artists, premieres and classics, avantgarde experimentation and classic circus and street theatre. All in public spaces, side by side, and not only in the city centre, but spread out geographically in the surrounding small towns and social housing areas of Helsingør.

Network Past Activities & Meetings

National and International Mobility InterSpazi 2023

FitCarrer Vila-real, spain

may 5th - 8th 

DEVENTER OP STELTEN, the Netherlands

july 7th - 9th 

Passage festival -  Helsingør, denmark 

august 2nd - 4th 

direzioni altre FESTIVAL - tuscania, italy

august 22nd - 24th 


august 25th - 28th 

festival mirabilia - Cuneo, italy

august 31st - september 2nd 

Mamatita festival - Alghero, italy

september 4th - 7th 

Supported Artists in 2023

Italian Artists and Companies that have been tutored and had traveled abroad thanks to InterSpazi in 2023

  • Frammenti#1 by Collettivo Profondo Rosso Supported in Artistic Residency by Festival Spoffin
  • Tienimi che ti tengo by Circo in Rotta Invited to Festival Spoffin in collaboration with FNAS Italia
  • Bello! by Fabbrica C Invited to Deventer op Stelten
  • Progetto Antilia by Cordata FOR Invited to Passage Festival
  • Cubo by eVentiVerticali Invited to Fitcarrer Vila-real

InterSpazi (first edition) is a project that was started with the support of MiC – DIREZIONE GENERALE SPETTACOLO in the contest of Boarding Pass Plus 2023